March 3, 2021

This week my son Collin Adams writes in a guest blogger experience about his experience with ADD, its effects and three things you can do to overcome the problem. Enjoy!  Growing up, I suffered from severe ADD.  Although I didn’t know this until I was nearly 19 years old, I remember always feeling like there

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February 23, 2021

You know that feeling when everything seems to be clicking? You’re focused, energized, and consumed by the task at hand? That’s flow.  In today’s over-connected world, it can be difficult to achieve flow. Things like social media, email, texts, phone calls… the constant demand to be “on” at all times… take away from your ability

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February 2, 2021

Make Your Nervous System Your Ally Rather Than Your Enemy “The great thing, then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy.”  – William James William James was an American philosopher and psychologist, and the first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States. James is a leading

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January 26, 2021

Did you know you are an amazing power plant?  That’s correct, you are an electrical being, producing electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The question is how?  The answer is energy created from three primary inputs that include food, water, and oxygen.  70% of the energy source for that electricity is oxygen! 

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